Wednesday, 9 March 2011

The Informant! (2009)

Damon can't save it - 3/5
So I saw this film about a month ago called 'The Informant!'. You cannot help but be enticed by the advertising for this film. The DVD case itself leaves you with much anticipation, as does the trailer. To be frank, this film was a major let down. It's one of those films you have to concentrate on for every single second or you will lose any understanding of the storyline. The script, especially where Matt Damon's character Mark Whitacre is concerned, moves at such a pace that if you blink you will miss it. Add to this the fact that most of the dialogue concernes complex business speak that the average viewer will have little to no knowledge of and you have a film that will pass many people by. My girlfriend fell asleep during this film in what is probably a world record time. It is far from a film that you can just put on and enjoy.
Despite what you may be thinking this film is not all bad. The dark humor contained within provides the astute viewer with many a laugh. It is nice to see Damon in a quirky comedy such as this. To his credit he plays the proverbial nerd in a very entertaing way. It just goes to show that major Hollywood stars that we assume are relatively one dimensional, which to our fault we usually applaud them for, can produce performances that we really did not expect. Despite Damon's superb performane however, the film was nothing to rave about. I'm sure that if you have seen this film, you will know what I am talking about.
What I'm trying to say with this review is that I fail to understand the hype surrounding this film. Granted, It was funny, but this was in no way a saviour to the storyline which, to the average viewer, just didn't appeal. I must admit that there is little room to improvise within a film based on true events however. It is possible that Steven Soderbergh did as best as he could with the story that unfolded.
Would I recommend it? Only if you are in the mood to listen and are free of distractions.


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